As we come up to that time of year again telling everyone what we are thankful for... for me everyday is about thanks!
I have gone a different way this year!! Over the last few years my life has changed so much, I have lost people that I cared about and gained new ones (old and new) that gave me a new meaning!! I am a true believer that people come in and out of your life for a reason the reason we may not ever know but they touch our hearts one way or another!! That brings me to August 7th 1999 a beautiful healthy baby boy was born 7lbs 7oz & 21 inches long! He was to be named Jonathon Michael (first name after dad and middle name after my dad!). His Dad and I were young new parents really no clue what life would have in store for us! Jonathon had the biggest set of blue eyes and when he looked at you they went right through you! As I sat in awe at this beautiful boy all I could think of was the great football player he would become or the next hockey star!! I couldn't wait for him to do all the things boys loved to do! Jonathon was close in age with his cousin and my visions of them wrestling on the lawn and riding bikes all over town you know all the great things boys will do!! All of this quickly changed when I heard those awful words "Epidermolysis Bullosa" what the eff was that???? What do you mean don't have anymore kids (I was already pregnant with my second)??? What do you mean he will not live until 5??? (You can see the birthday post about those feelings) What the hell did all this mean? Ok so we will just cure it they have cures for everything right simple? Hello why are you not answering me? Miss Connolly I'm sorry but there is NO CURE! Wh what do you mean? The only thing you can do is wrap him in bandages and keep him comfortable. After doing some research on EB and trying to put things into perspective and figuring out what all this meant for him...for us... I still had no idea what was in store for him! By this time I had already had a beautiful baby girl Ariana Marie 6lbs 14oz & 20 inches...who was EB free!! In 2006 a wonderful woman submitted a story about her hero who just happened to be Jonathon and the story was going to be in People Magazine!!! The interviewer came out and started asking us all sorts of questions about how we felt about EB!! It wasn't until this time that it had hit me all those emotions that I felt when he was born was never going to happen..he was never going to play football..he was never going to play hockey...he was never going to be a cop...or a firefighter..that's all Jonathon ever wanted to do was be a fireman he wanted to save people and make a difference in people's life! Do you know what it's like to know your child who you have so many hopes and dreams for and who had dreams of his own would not be able to do those things!!! It is one of the hardest pills to swallow in life as a mother!! After this interview we had so many more..Inside edition, our local news, other news stations from other countries and the news papers!!! By the end of it all our heads were spinning!!! But Jonathon had become a pro at talking about EB and what life was like for him and every time I would hear him talk about it I got all teary eyed! Life for him wasn't about EB it was about life and who was in it!! Now don't get me wrong we have always taught Jonathon that he is just like anyone else and can do ANYTHING he puts his mind too but in reality there are just somethings I know he will not be able to do. This year Jonathon got a incredible opportunity to speak at the State House in Boston about his EB. We said yes and started writing his speech! On Feb 29, 2012 I sat in the audience and listened to him read his speech to the he read I was brought back to the day he was born when I had all these hopes and dreams and I realized that Jonathon had done all that I ever wanted and more!!! He had grown up to be a special kid who wants to get his story out and teach others about EB!! Dreams never go away they just change as we grow. This year Jonathon was also diagnosed with Aspergers along with his sister Ariana and as the challenges keep coming he does nothing but keep smiling!! So, as we all sit with our families and give thanks for having each other...I am thankful to have someone who has taught me that as life really is to short we should not be afraid to go for it!! Jonathon has taught me more over the last 13 years then anyone or anything!! Life through his eyes has no limits or boundaries!!! Take that minute to stop and look around and you may realize that what you have been missing all along is right in front of you!!! ❤
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