Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What is this world coming too...

Jon and I have always tried to teach our kids to respect others, treat others the way you want to be treated and be a good friend!! But, over the last two days that way of teaching has been very hard to stick with. I found out yesterday when I went to pick Jonathon up from school that the reason why his knee had blistered and been acting up was because some boy in his class was kicking him everyday for the past few days. Well, he didn't want to say anything because all the other kids would have called him a snitch so, he just kept dealing with it. Finally the teacher could sense an issue and spoke with Jonathon privately and he came clean about it. Let me tell you honestly my first reaction was why didn't you hit him back but, I couldn't say that he was only doing what we have taught him. Of course my phone call was not returned by the principle so, tonight I had to write a very lovely letter!!! Then today my daughter goes to the library with a friend and the friend totally flipped on her because she wouldn't call someone a slut!!! As some of you know Ariana has sensory issues and become very upset when this girl started yelling at her, she the proceeded to put her hand over her mouth and hit her off side the head!!! Then took off and left Ariana to walk home alone and crying...what the heck is going on?!?! After I got to calm Ariana down we talked and I said I was going to call her mother but Ariana told me it wouldn't matter because her mom doesn't care. See that's the issue here why are these parents not being parents??? You have children it is your responsibility to teach them right!! I know some kids have issues but honestly so do mine but we teach them that it's not an excuse!!! Everyday they are tested and I just hope my parenting skills will be the winner in the end!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I have been meaning to update for a while but, this darn fibromyelgia has not let me sit at the computer and I have yet to figure out how to update from my iPhone!! So I guess I will start with:

Me: as some of you know I have been laid off from my job and have been trying to find something along the line of what I was doing before but I have also been contemplating if I should go back to school or not? As, of today I still have not made up my mind!! It would need to be online classes and I can not find what I want to do online so, who knows what I will end up doing!!  My fibromyelgia and Rheumatoid arthritis has been out of control lately but I don't think the stress I have been going through lately has helped any of it!! But, my motto on hour at a time yeah its been that kind of months!! Any who that's really been it for me...

Jonathon: His skin has been outta control...I have never seen things this bad so many little infections, new places getting blisters, places not healing, its been crazy...He had his six month check up at the EB clinic last Friday and that went OK...They did a lot of blood work to see how things were but I haven't heard anything so I am assuming they are stumped about also..I'm thinking hormones because he is at that age he will be 13 this August.  He is going to be going to camp again and cant wait till then. I was hoping we could attend the PCC but don't think that will be happening now that I have been laid off. I wanted him to meet others and I would love to meet everyone that I have meet online through out the years but, maybe next one.  School for him is going OK still having problems with some of the kids but he is really trying hard to keep his grades up and is doing good working at it!!  One thing we are thinking it may be time to do is get him a wheel chair...He has had to miss some important trips at school because of not being able to walk that far and he was really upset that he could not attend so, we are discussing our options. If we do I will be having a fund raiser to help with the cost.  School is out in about 3 weeks and deciding if I want to home school them the summer program or send them to it!!!

Ariana: I am so proud of her she has come so far with all of her sensory stuff and learning to take the breaks when she needs too.  Home has gotten better she has been trying really hard to speak up when she needs a break here as well...we still have some work to do but I think we will get there.  She has taken all of the things she learned in OT and using them at home and school.  It also helps this year she has a great group of teachers and let me tell you that makes all the difference in the world.

Ellie: Cant believe she is going to be 4 in two weeks my baby is no longer a baby!!! She just started preschool last week, the first couple of days were rough but she loves it!!! It is so good for her to keep her busy while the older two are at school for the day...Her health has been up and down her asthma with this allergy season is out of control but I finally think we have it under control.